Realization of a Sustainable Society

1. We will create new value through the provision of products and services that contribute to society, protect the world environment, and strive to realize a sustainable society.
- By providing high quality products and services in which safety is properly considered and which comply with environmental rules, we can respond to the trust of customers and society.
- We will sincerely consider new needs and the desire for improvements from customers and society and undertake product and service development and upgrades.
Respect for Human Rights

2. We will strictly comply with international standards of human rights and respect the diversity of all people.
- We will respect human rights and undertake business activities without the use of forced labor or child labor.
- We will respect the individuality and independence of each employee and not engage in discrimination on the basis of race, citizenship, gender, age, religion, belief, existence of handicaps, sexual diversity or any other aspect.
- We will prevent the occurrence of harassment in the workplace and take prompt and appropriate action in the case where it occurs.
Provide a Safe and Enjoyable Work Environment

3.We will provide a safe and enjoyable work environment that is comfortable for everyone to work in for all.
- We will strictly comply with laws and regulations of each country and region relating to labor, safety and sanitation.
- We will aim to harmonize work and life, and support a variety of working styles.
- We will build up a relationship of trust through sincere debate and discussion with employees.
- We will give educational opportunities to employees and provide opportunities to stretch their motivation and abilities.
Honest Business Activities

4. We will undertake fair and transparent business activities with integrity and strictly comply to international standards, laws and regulations of each country and region.
- We will undertake business activities with common sense and based on strict compliance and ethics.
- We will ensure performance of contracts and agreements with customers and counterparties.
- We will strictly comply with competition laws.
- We will never in any manner undertake bribery
- We will strictly manage personal data and confidential information.
- We will respect the intellectual property rights of other persons.
- We will set up and actively manage our import/export system.
- We will not have any involvement with organized crime and other anti-social forces.
- We will manage business risks and make efforts to prevent the occurrence of problems and promptly respond when they arise.
- In order to deter and correct improper acts, we will appropriately prepare and put into practice a whistleblower system.
Disclosure of Company Information and Accountability

5. We will increase healthy and transparent management by active disclosure of information and discussion with stakeholders.
- We will accurately and promptly disclose information required by society.
- We will take seriously the voices of our stakeholders and fulfill our obligation of accountability.
Permeate Social Responsibility into our Supply Chain

6. We will promote a structure that fulfills societal responsibilities to our trade counterparts and the supply chain overall.
- We will respect our trade counterparts as equal partners and work to build a trusting relationship for mutual development.
- Through realization of green procurement and CSR, we will contribute to the growth of the region and society.
- We will demand respect for human rights and compliance with laws and regulations from our supply chain.
Preservation of Environment

7. We will work to preserve and resolve the problems of the world environment.
- We will provide products and services that contribute to preservation of the world environment.
- We will directly address the burden of business activities on the environment.
- We will work for preservation of biological diversity and sustainability.
- We will strictly comply with laws and regulations relating to the environment of each country and region.
Cooperation with the Region and Society

8. We will contribute to the expansion of the region and society as a good corporate citizen.
- As one member of the region and society we will actively undertake activities that contribute to society.
- We will actively support activities that contribute to society in which employees voluntarily participate.