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About BERYLCO Safety Tools

The tools you’ve trusted with your life for over 60 years.

BERYLCO Safety Tools

Nonsparking Berylco Safety Tools provide excellent protection against fires and explosions in environments where flammable solvents, fuels, materials, gasses and residues are present. While many nonferrous alloys meet nonsparking standards, only beryllium copper has the superior strength and hardness not found in safety tools made from aluminum, bronze and brass. The nonmagnetic and corrosion-resistant properties of our tools are well suited for industrial and high technology applications. Whenever the safety of your workers or plant is a concern, Berylco Safety Tools deliver the durability, performance and value you expect from the industry leader.

Lifetime Warranty

Berylco manufactures a complete line of more than 500 safety tools. Each is backed by our full lifetime warranty. If a Berylco Tool breaks or fails to perform under normal use or service, we will promptly repair or replace it free of charge. Exceptions are defects arising from mis-use or abuse, and normal wear in service.

Strong and Nonsparking

Berylco Safety Tools will not emit sparks that can ignite volatile materials, chemicals or gasses. Tests have shown that our tools cannot produce a spark to ignite carbon disulfide, which has the lowest ignition point of any substance. Berylco Safety Tools are certified nonsparking by the Factory Mutual Research Corporation.

Berylco Safety Tools are made of high strength beryllium copper which is a copper-based alloy containing approximately 1.8% beryllium. The alloy can be heat treated to hardness ranges of Rockwell C35-45, with tensile strengths up to 190,000 p.s.i. This allows our tools to be precisely forged, cast, formed, machined and hardened to strength levels that cannot be achieved in tools made from aluminum, bronze or brass.

As a result, Berylco Safety Tools provide maximum torque and shear strength plus exceptional wear-resistance.


Berylco Safety Tools are nonmagnetic as defined by MIL-M-19595. They are ideal for applications where magnetic disturbances must be avoided and eddy current effects must be minimized. Using our tools near or with precision magnetic equipment will not induce or aggravate electrical disturbances, or disrupt instrument settings.

Corrosion Resistant

Berylco Safety Tools are durable in severe corrosive environments. They exhibit excellent resistance to corrosion in chemical, acidic, alkaline and atmospheric conditions that can compromise the performance of steel or iron-based tools. Our tools are ideal for marine applications where corrosion resistance to saltwater and nonsparking capabilities around explosive vapors on ships are critical considerations.

Berylco Tools Are Safe

Normal daily use and handling of Berylco Safety Tools presents no known health hazards to your workers. If you have questions or concerns about employing beryllium copper tools in your operation, please feel free to call our safety representative at 1-800-523-8268.

Free Sharpening Service

Berylco provides a free regrinding service with freight prepaid both ways. For more information, call 1-800-423-7717 or (423) 337-5500. Or contact your Berylco distributor.

Berylco Tools that may require periodic sharpening have a precautionary label reminding customers to consult Berylco Bulletin 505-TD1 before grinding.

Guidelines for Regrinding

Safety standards for grinding beryllium or for other operations that may generate dust are established by OSHA and recorded in the Code of Federal Regulations 29CFR 1910.134 and 1910.1000.

OSHA requires the use of local exhaust ventilation or other administrative or engineering controls, if feasible, to prevent exceeding OSHA exposure limits. If exposure limits are exceeded, OSHA requires the use of personal protective equipment such as NIOSH/MSHA approved respirators. Ventilation equipment and the use of respirators with high efficiency filters are recommended to prevent potential inhalation of fine particulate matter containing beryllium.

Wet grinding may also be used. Once again, comply with OSHA regulations since wet grinding can generate a mist containing dust particles that can be inhaled by the operator.


Berylco safety tools should not be used in contact with acetylene or acetylene bearing equipment. Acetylene may react with the copper of the tool to form an explosive acetylide. Tools containing less than fifty percent copper, such as Monel alloys, may be used in an acetylene environment.

  • Berylco is a registered trademark of NGK Metals Corporation.
  • Berylco Safety Tools meet OSHA requirements for nonsparking tools. Made in the U.S.A., they are approved by the Factory Mutual Research Corporation and carry the symbol.
  • Many tools listed in catalog available in metric sizes. (Sizes and weights indicated are approximate.)Striking wrenches also available through NGK’s authorized stocking distributors.